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I want to workout again

I never talked about this before but I wanted to loose some weight for quite some time. Because of the pandemic and all the stuff going on now with online classes, projects and my bachelor degree I gained weight in a way that I don’t feel confident about my body anymore. I looked over the internet for some ways to train myself but I really can’t find the time or the best method to do it. I found a simple workout that I can do indoors but it doesn’t seem sufficient. Maybe I will combine the workout with a latex waist trainer for women. I heard from a friend that they are really good and you will see better results while using one.

Working out was always a challenge for me because a have almost no strength. And if I was honest with you up until now I will also be from now on: I am kinda lazy and sometimes I find it difficult to remain motivated. And I think this is the biggest problem for me. I struggle to remain motivated to do my workouts. Because I know sometimes it is hard and maybe I am too tired from all the work I have to do for school so I say to myself that I will skip the workout for today or I will start from tomorrow. But no more procrastinating! This is also one of my goals for this year: no more procrastination. Do the things you have to do and do them good! So to really keep up with the workouts and also have the results I want I will also use a sweet sweat arm trimmer to train my arms because they are soooo weak! I can’t even do a push-up.

I heard from my friends that after a work out even though you feel exhausted you also feel good. I think I can understand that because I always feel good after a finish something hard like a workout or a difficult project at school. And I want to be confident in myself again and also get back in shape. I always look for ways to become the better version of myself and I think trying working out again will be a good start. My friends also said that FeelinGirl will help me with all the equipment I mentioned above. And as the name says I want to feel like a girl again and be able to keep up with everything that is going on.

Ladies are you working out right now? Or do you think about doing it in the future? Let me know!

Professional blogger with a writing passion and love for Japan

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