Let’s talk about engagement rings
I recently had a talk with an old friend. We used to be best friend in childhood but then she moved out of city and we kind of lost the connection we had. We would always talk about engagement rings and what we would like to get from our husbands. The thing is she got engaged! And with the ring she always wanted, a beautiful moonstone engagement ring in shape of a heart.

As for me I still don’t know for sure what I want. Me and my boyfriend talked about engagement rings but it seems I can’t find one that would stole my heart. At some point in my life I really loved opal engagement ring. But I was young and now this kind of rings seems to childish for my actual style.

I want something that expresses maturity and still be fashioned. Something like a black rutilated quartz engagement ring. The black stone and the rose gold ring seems to fit perfect for me. But my boyfriend says it is too mature for me and sometimes I am childish so a ring should be able to express both of my sides. I asked my friend what does she think about this. She said that whatever I choose in the end it’s my boyfriend that would get the ring for me so I should trust his instinct too. „Rushing to make a decision won’t do any good” she said.

So ladies if you don’t know what kind of engagement ring you want don’t sweat! Your man will help you choose one and this decision shouldn’t be rushed. In the end this will reflect the love you have and the ring you will get should always put a smile on your face and make you think back at those days.
O cerere in casatorie merge cel mai bine cu o geanta ieftina. Achizitioneaza-ti si tu una pentru a nu pierde sansa.